When the thinking-mind settles, the emotional tides subsequently recede, and the physical body can now find rest. Holistic Wellness, and “taking care” of the physical body goes well beyond the perfect exercise program and perfect meal. Although aspects of eating “good foods” and moving the body may show to be helpful in one’s life experience, neglecting the thinking and emotional-body has significant impact on one’s overall physical well-being.
Where is your attention? Most people’s attention is quite fixated and lost in thoughts – particularly self-limiting beliefs that cause havoc, blocking ones’ ability to really feel what their bodies deeply sense. Losing touch with one’s ability to connect deep within one’s heart and intuition breeds the feeling of disconnection and separation with all of life. Feeling separate from ourselves is one of the root causes of fear, anxiety, depression, and a feeling of aloneness. If getting lost in thought, and disconnected from ourselves causes these feelings to arise, would you be interested to discover a way to see through these strong thoughts as they arise? As we become more conscious and see through more clearly, we settle into a deep groundedness, allowing our inner knowingness to arise and be felt and heard. With this arising truth, the mind-emotions-body find rest. What might happen to your physical body if the thinking-mind and emotional-body settle into authentic peace and stillness?