Being human includes those parts of you that feel dark, broken, and wounded. We’ve all had times in our lives that bring about pain, challenges, and suffering. Welcome to being human! Just remember that those parts of you are not solid boundaries to the You that encompasses all of that within the silence of your true essence. Mental and emotional storms are experiences that surface in everyone – including spiritual teachers and leaders – not just you. Are you embracing all of yourself? And I mean ALL, of yourself? Or are you rejecting those parts of you that you don’t want to look at, don’t want to acknowledge, and hope that just ‘go away’? What would it be like to allow everything to be just as it is? ..mental and emotional tornado storm and all? Is there a place of peace and stillness even amidst the storm? This sweet presence, beyond all the forms that bubble to the surface, is here right now. You don’t need to ‘get rid’ of anything to see this sweet essence. This still presence is always here, loving all the humanness that appears to touch your experience. Just rest. Rest in the sweet presence that is right here, innate within you, accepting and embracing all of ‘you’.