Dr. Carole Griggs, Ph.D. is the founder and CEO of Carole Griggs Enterprises, LLC (drcarolegriggs.com). Dr. Griggs is a university professor, international speaker, professional coach and consultant, author/writer, and pioneer and leader in the areas of Consciousness Evolution and Human Development, and integrative Wellness and Nutrition. Carole is a professor at John F. Kennedy University developing and teaching courses for the Masters of Art in Consciousness and Transformative Studies department, as well as National University for the Masters of Science in Complementary and Integrative Healthcare department. Carole is co-founder of iConscious and the iConscious Human Development Model, author of Space to See Reality: A New Model for Professional Coaches, and Intuitively Your Type: Nourishing through Nutrition, co-owner and co-developer of Wall 2 Wall Fitness and Wellness app, co-founder of Pacific Wellness in San Diego, CA, founder and CEO of the 501(c)3 nonprofit Conscious World Alliance, and owner of thrive alive! products.
For more than a decade, Carole has been extensively researching and working with clients and coaches worldwide in the awakening of consciousness and human development process. She brings a depth and breadth of experience and expertise working with clients in the evolution of human consciousness, personal and interpersonal development, and in various modalities of physical health and wellbeing.
Dr. Carole Griggs holds a Doctorate degree (Ph.D.) in Professional Coaching and Human Development, a Masters degree in Education and Teaching, and a Bachelors degree in Science. Dr. Griggs is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Advanced Metabolic Typing Advisor (Advanced Nutrition), CHEK Coach Certified (Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology), Reiki II Healing Practitioner, and was an NCAA Strength and Conditioning Coach. Carole’s Ph.D. dissertation was targeted to wellness practitioners, life coaching professionals, and those in various healing practices. Her dissertation was published soon after, entitled, Space to See Reality: A New Model for Professional Coaches. Dr. Griggs is a former semi-professional soccer player and Boston Marathon qualifier.
Work Experience:
Carole Griggs, Ph.D. has worked with thousands of individuals and companies in various modalities. For more than a decade, Dr. Griggs has been extensively studying and developing new models and frameworks – and working with students and clients worldwide individually and in groups – in awakening and self-realization, empowerment from oneness, and in the human development process. She brings a depth and breadth of experience and expertise in the evolution and expansion of human consciousness, personal and interpersonal development, and in various modalities of embodiment and wellness.
Dr. Griggs works with colleague, Ted Strauss, on the creation and publication of the Griggs-Strauss Conscious Human Development Model. Carole and Ted presented their revolutionary model at the 2015 Science and Non-Duality Conference, and have opened their schedules to present at similar conferences in 2016. Carole and Ted are in the final stages of writing and publishing a book on the Griggs-Struass Model, due to be out Summer 2016. Dr. Carole is an international speaker at various conferences, in-person gatherings, and on-line events and courses.
Dr. Griggs offers private sessions for those interested in awakening from a limited, partial, divided, and sometimes disconnected experience of life and oneself, into an expansive, free, joyful, and totally alive reality of who you actually are. Dr. Griggs guides her students into feeling deeply grounded and at home in oneself, intimately connected to others and life, and feeling liberated, open, happy, complete, and powerfully living one’s purpose.
Prior to and along with a concentration in the awakening and human development process, Dr. Griggs spent years studying and working with clients as a Holistic Nutritionist and Strength and Conditioning Coach through a company she founded in 2005, Empowering Fitness. Dr. Griggs continues to work with clients in finding the foods and movement styles that is the best fit for each individual, and each state and stage in life. Click here to read more about her Wellness and Nutrition expertise, experience, and services.
Dr. Griggs is currently an on-going professional coach and consultant for The Leadership and Learning Center as a professional development coach and facilitator, coaching teachers throughout the United States. Dr. Griggs provides professional development courses and workshops to K-12 school districts throughout the U.S, and develops curriculum and standard courses for public school systems nationwide. These courses are primarily focused on the development of leadership in teachers, and best teaching practices for the 21st century learner, including inquiry and project-based development and learning.
Dr. Griggs has volunteered at Shakti Rising, a non-profit organization in San Diego that creates social change by invoking transformation that empowers young women to uncover, rediscover and claim their whole selves. She has also been the California representative for Humanity’s Team, a non-profit organization serious about awakening the world to ONEness.
Contact Dr. Griggs:
Email: drcarolegriggs@gmail.com