All fear (and thus suffering) stems from two primary elements: the belief that what I am is subject to, and limited to, time and space.
When I believe that what I am is limited to this body – an object of time (subject to death), and an entity of space (limited to the confines of the skin/body) – then thoughts (images and words/sentences) of fear will arise to support this false premise. All thoughts of fear, lack, anxiety, limitation, death, confusion, etc, are birthed from these two primary false beliefs. So so long as I believe/perceive that what I really am is limited to this body, fear – of death (time) and lack/limitation (space)…and all of its’ cousin thoughts – will be at the root (the lens through which I see the ‘external’ world) of my every day experience.
How do you define yourself? What are you, really? Discover what you really are and watch fear simply disappear.
Carole Griggs, Ph.D. 2014 ©