Can we really live in and from this very spontaneous moment? …without the unnecessary, anxious need to plan, predict, prepare, manage, or map out?
This doesn’t mean that preparing doesn’t or won’t take place.
Preparing can and does sometimes appear to happen, arising just as it’s necessary to do so – effortlessly and easily, peacefully and fearlessly.
The question is, where is the energy to plan coming from?
Is it coming from the chattering mind trying to control, manage, and “know”?
Or is it naturally and easily arising as something you simply find yourself doing in the moment?
Action will happen or not happen anyway, but our experience of the moment directly correlates to where we are living from.
Are we moving from the influence of the mind, or are we simply living from this new, fresh, free aliveness?
The information that flows out, revealed in this moment, is information that flows with perfect timing – without the anxious push and strenuous strategizing.
Trying to “figure it out” is nothing but a useless game the mind aimlessly plays.
The mind likes to “know”, likes to predict and prepare, in an effort to feel safe, secure, and in control.
The mind likes to control so to “know” what’s going to happen, or to attempt to prevent something from taking place at some “future” point in time.
This is where stress is born – right in the mind’s creation of past and future.
All that is really here is sheer spacious freedom to live from what is in this very moment.
What liberty. What freedom. What peace.
No more worrying about the past, or predicting or planning a conceptual future.
When attention is aligned with true nature, there is no pressure or need to “cultivate” anything.
There’s no need to try to design ‘your’ life.
Simply being available, as open space, to whatever arises.
Everything blossoms from this spaciousness – not from “your” “doing” anything.
From this clear, free stillness, action just happens.
Relax into the vibrant, still presence of living spontaneously.
Beyond and yet amidst the chattering, suggestive mind.
Live from the only ‘time’ there really is.
Right here in this alive, spontaneous moment.
And this one.
And this one.
Carole Griggs, Ph.D/c, 2012