Integrity is much more than an adherence to moral or ethical principles sprouting from the conditional world.
True ‘integrity’ rises out of inherent Truth.
True ‘integrity’ is beyond an efforting of certain behavior.
When in alignment with true Essence, a sense of ‘integrity’ naturally rises out.
Aligning with integrity feels whole, undiminished, unimpaired, grounded.
Honesty, authenticity, and sweet sincerity spontaneously spring forth from spacious Stillness.
Being in alignment dissolves stress, uncertainty, fear, hatred, and doubt.
Being in alignment dissolves the perceived need to decide or choose.
Being in alignment dissolves ‘shoulds’, ‘aught to’s’, ‘shouldn’t have’s, and ‘need to’s’.
Being in alignment is effortless, natural, solid, pure, open, and free.
When out of alignment, life can seem fast-paced, out of control, and fearfully uncertain.
Society invites and supports innumerable ways in which to move out of alignment – promising satisfaction, contentment, and happiness in places it doesn’t actually reside.
Being in alignment dissolves the conflicted “me”… the “me” that wants, needs, seeks, and strives – discontent with life as it is… the very root of unhappiness.
Harmony is born from aligning with the Heart.
Alignment with the sweet essence of grounded strength brings clarity, harmony, and true freedom.
Carole Griggs, Ph.D/c, 2012