In the clear of the black night,
I relish.
I relish in the joy of life wide open.
Showing up as it does, just as it is.
In all of it’s colors and shades of gray.
In all of it’s beauty, fullness, and movement.
The heart can hold it all.
No need to block out, resist, ignore, nor deny.
No need to pretend, protect, look away, or hide.
The heart can hold it all.
Let Life speak, as it will.
Let Life be open in flow.
It’s here there is joy, freedom, contentment, and fulfillment.
It’s here there is peace, love, clarity, and connection.
It’s here, with your heart wide open, that life is lived in spontaneous vibrancy.
The heart can hold it all.
Wait no more.
Wake up, open up, and live fully alive.