Are you ready to be free of the “should’s” of the future and the “should have’s” of the past?
What might it feel like to consider that neither of these actually exist?
The mind creates stories, imprisoning you to past thoughts, and suffocating you with future projections. It’s no wonder humans suffer so much!
But what is it like right here? Not here in your head with the mind left to run astray, but here in this stillness, this stillness that you are right here and now?
Where are the “should’s” and “should have’s” now, in this spacious stillness? Can you find them?
Whatever doesn’t exist in this still presence, doesn’t actually exist. It’s just a story of something from the past or a projection of the future.
So rest child.
Rest here, in this present moment, in this sweet stillness of your very Being.
Welcome home to the deep peace that you are.