Sit for a moment.
Feel the ground beneath your feet, beneath your body.
Feel life holding, embracing, giving, offering, allowing, loving …the you that appears exactly as you are.
This spacious embrace – open, supportive, moving, steady.
Arising as you.
What’s here?
What’s this foundation, this platform, this arena in which all moves, all happens?
What’s this vast nothingness that is the all-ness called life?
Held by this, as this, you cannot be separate from the very “thing” that you are.
You can’t fall out of love.
You can’t fall out of this perfect, as is, aliveness.
You are held by life itself, as life.
You are this vast, spacious awareness –
Knowing all, and knowing nothing.
The freedom of this paradox – right here and now.
You are this – all of this.
Awareness as it appears in form and formlessness.
Held by life in all facets, all aspects, in all situations – in totality.
There is no escape.
How beautiful is this?