Arms wide open.
Open to ALL of what life brings – the fear, the shame, the guilt, the sadness.
Open to life speaking, moving, dancing,
— however, whenever it shows forth.
Let Life speak what Life has already let in.
It’s already here.
It’s already happening.
Open to what life is. – as it is here, now.
Freedom lies in the blossoming openness to that which shows forth.
Do you let Life speak?
Or do you choose to turn away and shut out aspects that you deem not oaky, bad, unable to take, “should” be otherwise, incapable of experiencing…?
Turning from pain is suffering.
The end of suffering is allowing the coming and going of pain.
Can you let Life in? Completely in?
Just let Life speak as it does.
Say yes.
Life can hold it all.
It already does.